
Classes and things like that...

So right now we're into our 3rd Week of classes here at Curtin Uni and I must say that the lectures and tutorials here are (for better or worse) a lot less heavy on the assignments and homework like American Uni's or maybe it's just Elon....either way A LOT different.

I'm taking three classes here

Gender Studies 212....which is a lot like the Post-Modern class I took over Winter Term last year with it's looking into the stories and stuff that we read....only two papers and a presentation in that class for the semester

Politics 226: Critical Security Studies....this is basicaly Australia's version of International Terrorism except they don't really have terrorism here nor do they really have all that much to be scared of in regards to security so it really should be interesting to see how he fills a whole semester with material.....only one paper and a participation grade in this class.

Legal Framework 100.....this is the intro course for all business and law majors here (not many law but a lot of business) teaches the basics to their legal system and to law and studying law in general so this should be somewhat interesting...this one is in a lecture hall of about 500 people...so that is A LOT different than Elon....only two tests and a paper in this class.

So with those classes they take up a few hours on Monday Tuesday and Thursday with Wednesday and Friday completely open :)

We've had a lot of free time to roam around Perth and Northbridge on weekends and such here so far and I've loved it all just because it's a differente experience than the usual Lighthouse and WestEnd bars of Elon. Last week Emma Jones came to visit and we had two free dinners with her on Monday and Wednesday night and then Thursday night was her birthday so we a number of the Eloners went out with her to a club and such, that was a good time.

Wedding Crashers JUST came out here on the 11th so a few of us went to see that since it just happens to be one of the funniest movies I've ever seen. Then yesterday had to be one of the best days here so far. We paid $5 to our RA's who set up a trip to Caversham Wildlife Park and the nearby winery for the day.

Caversham is a animal park north of Perth that is home to a number of different animals including the obvious koalas, kanergoos and wallabys but the difference is the kangeroos are just roaming around where you can walk up to them and feed and pet them. It was so awesome and we got to pet koalas and hold a wombat. (Pictures to come soon). We then went to one of the more prestigious wineries in the area to do a short wine tasting and stopped by a chocolate factory on the way home to complete the trip.....all of that for $5! I'll take it.

We also planned out for first Tuition Free Week trip last week. Me and 8 wonderful Elon and Tulane ladies are headin up to Bali for 6 nights staying at the Legin Paradiso hotel. We got our flight, hotel and breakfast each morning all for $700 American dollars. That trip will be from the 29 till the 2nd of Sept. That's one small group of us going, but most, if not all, of the Eloners who are here are going to Bali or doing something awesome for the break......for those who don't know the way the schedule works here is we get 4 weeks of class then a week off, then 3 weeks of class, another week off, then 5 weeks of class, then a study week before Finals.

I haven't gotten out to the beaches or Fremantle quite yet because the weather hasn't really been that great for that....it is warm for a Winter but still not quite beach weather although we do get days here and there...but I usually have class on those days.

Coming up on a month here and a lot of the differences that I used to notice are seeming to fade away....like the whole driving on the other side of the road thing, I noticed today was one of the first times where I looked to the right first instead of the left. Finally settling in and realizing I am going to be here until Novemeber/December.

Feel free anyone to text (or if you feel like paying a little to talk to me) call my cell phone. My number is 0011-61-4-04701784 for international callers....if you put that in your phone for a text it should get to me. :)


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